Sandler Advisor - Vol 24. - Issue 3



Sandler Case Study: Organizational Accountability

By Robert Rotherberg

Robert Rothenberg, CEO of a leading Canadian client-focused investment firm,  works with Sandler to focus on improving hiring, onboarding, and ongoing performance coaching for the sales team.

Team Selling: The New Reality

By David Mattson

Team selling in the business-to-business environment used to be an occasional thing, a weapon we saved for special, complex, high-stakes situations.Now, if we expect our team to succeed, it’s standard operating procedure.

A Lesson from “Old School” Salespeople …on Engaging Effectively in the AI Era

By Michael Norton

What’s the biggest stereotype people who don’t sell for a living have about the “typical salesperson”?

Seven Keys to Retaining Mission-Critical Talent, Experience, and Tribal Wisdom

By David Mattson

Consistently high turnover of our best and brightest means attaining mission-critical goals becomes difficult or impossible. 

Is It a Sales Process … or Is It Dysfunction?

By Alana Nicol

What’s Your Game Plan? Another name for “doesn’t work” is “dysfunctional.” Unfortunately, a lot of sales teams are still playing a game plan that they think is a “sales process,” but is actually something very different: sales team dysfunction.

Yes Chef: The Hidden Sandler Lesson in The Bear

By Sofia Rodriguez

The last place I expected to encounter core Sandler principles was The Bear – the addictive, bingeable FX comedy-drama series about an emotionally troubled chef trying to turn his family’s sandwich shop into a Michelin-star restaurant.

Sandler Hot Take: Is Your Main Contact a Coach…Or a Champion?

By John Rosso

* A champion wants to work with your organization and is willing to invest their social and political capital on your behalf. 

* A coach may want you to win, and is an internal ally, but isn’t yet willing to stick their neck out for you. 

Sales Leaders: This One-on-One Coaching Tactic Will Transform Your Entire Sales Team

By Mike Montague

Our Sandler clients tell us that the tactic I’m about to share with you is one of the most powerful coaching tools in their arsenal.It’s transformative, both for the individual sales rep and (by extension) for the team as a whole.And it gives you more working hours to focus more effectively on all the stuff you’re supposed to be doing.


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